A 55% beer served in Animal skins!

The End of History is the new crowned King of all beers.  Not for its taste, aroma, or drink-ability, but rather for its fifty-five percent alcohol content and its amazing serving containers made from the skins of real animals.  Each bottle, which is sold out if you were thinking of trying it, runs around $770 depending on the exchange rate. 

BrewDogs co-founder James Watt feels that with this beer the end has been reached and there is no point to attempt to go further.  Something his German rivals will no doubt dispute.  The creation of a 55 percent alcohol beer has never been accomplished until now and if you believe many, it wont be pushed past it. 

So why not stuff the bottles inside the body of a squirrel or rabbit and drink your conquest?  If its truly the End of History for beer, then we may as well enjoy it, and be broke doing it. 

 Keep in mind as a special inside joke you can tell your friends after they drink this dank brew infused with Scottish Highland Nettles, and juniper berries. Its bottled after its stuffed in the critters.

Here is their clever introduction video


are you coming…?

~ by Syndra on July 26, 2010.

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