Russian spies are so freakin Hot. Here’s Anna Fermanova.

Nearly nude Anna Fermanova, hiding nothing in this hot bikini

James Bond double entendre just waiting to happen.


Its just rediculous how hot Russian spys are.

In you forgot, here's super hot Anna Chapman I covered with a photo spread earlier.

So lets get this clear up front.  I love the Hot spy ring that Russia has going on.  Its exciting, glamorous and so other-worldly that it makes my other-world seem mundane.  What could be more exciting that being a spy, living a double life, and getting huge checks from a foreign government while posting drunken photos on facebook?  From the photos we’ve seen of Anna Chapman and now Anna Fermanova we can tell that the recruiting officer for Russia must live a double-life himself as a porn star recruiter.  These women are sexy as Hell.

There is a huge BUT in all of this and apparently its not Anna’s.  Anna has a pretty good story, where none of the others did.  Was she a spy?  I hope so, because it makes for better stories, but my sources tell me that she has been caught in a legal net that is over-zealous after finding ten spies in a row.  I dont think she’s a spy, but rather was a fun wife who took a huge chance on her husbands friend who lives in Moscow. 

Anna, age 24, lives in Texas with her husband but was going home to visit family.  A friend of her husband asked if she would buy a very high tech, and very expensive rifle scope ($15,000)for him online and bring it with her that he could use for hunting.  And she did.  She marked out the ID number which makes things look more suspicious, because she didn’t want to attract more attention to the device.  She knew it was wrong to do what she did, she just didn’t know how wrong. 

She now faces up to ten years in prison for bringing a rifle scope into Moscow. 

Anna is coming to Hell, but not for this.  Its for the things that weren’t posted on Facebook. 




are you coming…?

~ by Syndra on July 28, 2010.

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